Friday, 4 November 2011

Nan Goldin - Scopophilia @ Matthew Marks NY

Nan Goldin invited by Le Louvre to compose a collection of images of her own work and images from the Lourve's collection. She was allowed to photograph anything in the museum. The way she has composed the images together brings the older paintings alive and enables the viewer to realise the timelessness of such human behaviour.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

From Boris Mikhailov series Red 68-75.

I like the women's relationships with the camera in this selection of photos from Red. They seem to not be referencing themselves to media as Saja Ivekjovic notes in her Double Life series.

Nikki S. Lee from Hiphop, Hispanic, Ohio, Schoolgirl, Tourist and Yuppie Series.

After observing particular subcultures and ethnic groups, Nikki S. Lee adopts their general style and attitude through dress, gesture, and posture, and then approaches the group in her new guise. She introduces herself as an artist (though not everyone believes her or takes it seriously), and then spends several weeks participating in the group’s routine activities and social events while a friend or member of the group photographs her with an ordinary automatic “snapshot” camera.

Mitch Epstein,

Mitch Epstein - Family Business

From series Family Business, 2000-3.

Mitch Epstein - American Power

From series American Power, 2005-8.

Mitch Epstein - Recreation

Dan Holdsworth

Quiznos Guy dialogue in Easy A

Quiznos guy: Try the honey mustard chicken at Quiznos!
Olive: Not now, Quiznos!
Quiznos guy: You’re a slut.

Takashi Homma

Shonan International Village, Kanagawa, 1995-8.
Makuhari Bay Town 4, 1995.

Takashi Homma photographs newly built suburban housing in Japan and the highly strategised landscaping around it. Particularly looking at the houses at the edge of the developments. Looks at dehumanising impact and the politics of housing developments, and the industrial use of land.

Walter Niedermayr

Themes of commodification and invasion of nature by man.

"He raises questions about our desire, when we are on holiday, to feel like we are in the ungovernable forces of nature, but always safe in the knowledge that our creature comforts are within reach." Charlotte Cotton, from The Photograph as Contemporary Art.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Miriam Backstrom

Miriam Backstrom, Museums, Collections and Reconstructions, IKEA Corporate Museum, 'IKEA throughout the Ages'. Almhult, Sweden, 1999, 1999.

'A space that we may ordinarily consider to be defined by an individual's tastes and activities is shown as being prescribed. Our display of personal identity in our homes is not only commercially reproducible but also easily mimicked.' - Charlotte Cotton.

This comment is easily comparable to Sanja Ivekovic's Double Life series. The realisation that you taste and day to day decisions (here personal interior environments, in Sanja's case mannerisms and behaviour) are so easily predictable and are a product of society rather than your own individuality.

Miles Coolidge - Safetyville

Safetyville, 1996

Photographs of fake suburban town in California where kids are taught pedestrian safety. "A miniature town built at one-third scale in Sacramento, California." Is similar to a film set in that there are small signs that it isn't a natural town. Dimensions are slightly off, deserted etc. Like the fake reality. It looks like a town from a computer game that has then been rebuilt in reality.

Safetyville from above on googleearth.